Engineering and Programming

Data Structures using C

Reema Thareja

Cracking the coding interview

Laakmann McDowell

System Design interview

Alex Xu

Building Micro-frontends

Luca Mexxalira

Foundations of Data Science

John Hopcroft

An introduction to web 3.0

101 Blockchains


A brief history of time

Stephen Hawking

Brief answers to the big questions

Stephen Hawking

Black Holes

Stephen Hawking

The Grand Design

Leonard Mlodinow


The Psychology of secrets

Andrew Gold

World Mythology in bite-sized chunks

Mark Daniels

The secret of secrets

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani


The Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde


Franz Kafka

Motivation and Self Help

The Achemist

Paulo Coelho

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Robert Kiyosaki

The monk who sold his Ferrari

Robin Sharma

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Mark Manson

Everything is F*cked

Mark Manson

Atomic Habbits

James Clear

Don't believe in everything you think

Joseph Nguyen